

EZPAY Terms & Conditions


About EZPAY :


EZPAY program is a secured revolving interest free line of credit. It is secured by the allotments you will have deducted from your bi-weekly pay and the agreement that you will stay in the program for at least 20 pay periods. This allows you to purchase uniforms and apparel from AD Meyers' bopuniformsdiscounts.com website.


Line of credit :


This is a line of credit, every Payment (allotments) will be applied to your credit Line for immediately availablity. These funds will never expire because we are not a bank, we are NOT ALLOWED TO ISSUE CASH REFUNDS to the fact that we are NOT A BANK. Any overage in your account can only be resolved as credit towards any purchase in the bopuniformsdiscounts.com website.



Join the EZPAY program by completing the following:

We are excited to offer you this opportunity to join our program and because you are a Federal Officer, we do not perform credit checks.
  1. Request an application for AD MEYERS UNIFORMS EZPAY CONTRACT FORMezpay@bopmeyers.com.  
  2. Review the terms and conditions.
  3. You will get a reply from AD Meyers Uniforms LLC, with your new online profile information and instructions on how start your allotment process with NFC.
  4. Email us your alloment confirmation that you will recieve from the NFC site.
  5. Once we recieve your allotment confirmation and we will apply your credit line to your account.


****All new customers, please read the policies, terms, and conditions listed below.  Please print and keep a record of these terms and conditions for future reference. ****


  1. Member affirms that he or she is a Federal Bureau of Prisons employee.
  2. Member agrees to stay in the program for a minimum of 20 pay periods at $30 each payments EZPAY4 $600
  3. This is a secured  line of credit. It is secured by your $30 dollar payments and your agreement to stay in the program for minimum of twenty consecutive (20) pay periods.
  4. Due to the fact that you are Federal officer and are responsible for all just debts, we do NOT perform credit checks.
  5. We are not a FDIC regulated bank, therefore we must exchange goods "Uniforms, Apparel and accessories for your allotments. There are NO Exceptions.
  6. Member agrees to notify AD Meyers Uniforms of any change to their address, telephone number or any other applicant information provided on this agreement. Once you have joined, DO NOT CHANGE ANY OF YOUR Information in your account, EZPAY services (ezapy@bopymers.com) will be glad to assist you with updates to your profile.
  7. AD Meyers Uniforms reserves the right to accept or decline any applicant for any reason.
  8. Payments received are non-refundable but can be used at any time until exhausted. There is no expiration date on the use of the funds.
  9. Early termination of the program for non-payment will result in a $50.00 cancelation fee. Staff members in arrears must make immediate arrangements to pay the outstanding balance. Failure to do this may result in a collection proceeding and your agency being contacted.
  10. AD Meyers Uniforms Reserves the right to terminate this program at any time.
  11. Since we have no control over your NFC Site, you can stay in the program for another 20 periods or indefinitely by just allowing your allotments to continue. When you have satisfied the terms of this contract on the 20th Period and you have no outstanding balance owed you have the option of staying in the program on month to month basis or cancelling your allotments by doing so on the NFC site. Please keep track of your payments and dates because we do not control your NFC site and will not notify you when 10 weeks have been reached. Please login to your account once a month if you can. PLEASE READ ALL COMMUNICATIONS THAT WE EMAIL TO YOU, IT MAY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT and Websites Updates.
  12. If you get deployed during your time in the Bureau or on un-paid sick leave, please notify us so we know the reason your payments have been temporarily stopped so we do not pursue any collection proceedings.
  13. From time to time all Web based systems need to upgrade their software. There may be times when our system may be down for these maintenance periods. We will still be able to accommodate you manually.
  14. Once you join the program, you cannot change your account number or any other information without notifying us. This information is linked to your allotments and any unofficial adjustments to your profile can cause interruptions in communication with you and any allotments applied to your account.
  15. Never try to create another account, it will result in your payments not being applied and trigger an Audit and possibly a collection procedure.
  16. Advertisement gifts as a promo to join the program will be charged/ deducted from your EZPAY account in the event early termination or cancellation of payments of any violation or any conditions of the EZPAY agreement.
  17. The contract is not valid until you submit via fax or email the Financial Allotment confirmation and we receive your first allotment. By faxing, scanning or emailing your allotment confirmation and setting it up through your NFC site you attest to the fact that you have read and agree to all the terms and conditions above and that no other agreements have been made or exist.  We do reserve the right to make exceptions in the case of a hardship and give you immediate access to you credit line. This must be requested in writing.